Gold Rice, Pure Rice From Iksan

Gold Rice, Pure Rice From Iksan

Gold Rice, Pure Rice From Iksan Made in Korea


Characteristic Region of Keum River is well known from old days due to its fertile land of broad plain formed by thick layer of sediment. Iksan pure rice has been produced at the growing complex in the region of Keum River. Under the technical guidance of Agriculture Technical Center in Iksan city, soil condition has been checked out and then cultivated rice plants at optimal conditions. Utilizing organic compost with adequate amount of fertilizer and pesticide, we have produced a high quality of rice in which delicate flavor is preserved. Thanks to our contract cultivation system for processing in selection of seeds, cultivation and delivery, we are able to produce the same quality of rice year-round. Also, we have simplified a variety of seeds to meet consumers' demand and created the highest quality of new variety named 'Hopoom Rice' as well as upgraded commercial value of rice. Growing environment & production Iksan pure rice is a certified product of GAP, representing a region of Iksan city. Iksan pure rice is a product of traceability for production, harvest, storage and its processing. Iksan pure rice is a product of 'Hopoom Rice' with which you may enjoy a delicate flavor of rice. Production : Production has been guided by Agriculture Technical Center in Iksan city Harvesting : Growers complex has activated a batch harvest Storage : Iksan pure rice is stored in the silo for 'Hopoom Rice'. Processing : Processing line is made of stainless, instead of metal. So no any metallic matter is detected and also it prevents rice from oxidizing. Quality : GAP certified rice, including more than 90% of head rice, variety off-rate and less than 6.5% of protein content. Gold Rice, pure rice from Iksan, has been supplied to Lotte Super, Home Shopping, Internet Shopping Mall and also exported 500 tons to the overseas market such as Australia, Germany.

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