Dual-line Modular Metering Valves (DM Seri...

Dual-line Modular Metering Valves (DM Seri...

Dual-line Modular Metering Valves (DM Seri... Made in Korea


DM series are a kind of dual - line metering valve whichplays key role in dual - line centralized lubrication systems.Due to their modular structure they offer a lot of advantagescompared with our conventional mono block type valves likeDV and DW series.DM series provide two types, DM5 and DM2, and they aredifferent in connection size and range of delivery volumes.The valves are composed of 2 components, one the baseblock and the other the valve block(s) which is fixed on thebase block.A base block has 2 inlet ports and multiples of twin outletports which are respective each other but can be crossportedto one outlet.A valve block has 2 pistons and a pair of outlets and deliversexactly metered amount of lubricant. Also the metered amountcan be adjusted with measuring elements.DM2 type has one kind of valve block, DMV2 but DM5 typehas 4 valve blocks, DMV3, DMV4, DMV5, DMV6 different inmax. output volume. Thus DM5 is applicable to lubricationsystems that require wide range of feed amounts.An Idle block is a bypass block without a piston. It reserves avalve block which may be required in the future due toincrease of lubrication points after installation of the meteringvalves.

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