
Btx Made in Korea


Instructions This Division is in charge of the production and sale of Para-Xylene (P-X), Ortho-Xylene (O-X), Benzene (B-Z), Meta-Xylene (Me-X).These products are widely used as raw materials in various industries. Back in 1980, we began the manufacture of these products on a single line of our PX plant in Ulsan. With another line added in 1995, there are two lines at present.The PX plant has established a reliable production system based on vertical and horizontal integration of PTA, polyester fiber and film plants. It also gained a competitive edge through its advanced operation system, technical prowess and quality products. ISO 9001 certification obtained in 1998 attested to the achievements of our plant. MeX is a raw material of IPA(Purified Isophthalic Acid) and was produced in Korea for the first time in 1998 with Kohap's technology, enabling the production of high value-added products. Our effort to diversify gained even more momentum with the production of phthalic anhydride (PA) using OX. Now we are aiming to become one of the leading chemical companies in the world by expanding into the advanced chemical industry with our unique technical know-how. Characteristics M-X M-X is the basis of many of our other products, including PX, OX, and MEX. Through the isomerization process, BZ is produced. Other byproducts include toluene, light-aromatics, and heavy-aromatics. P-X P-X is distilled from mixed xylene (MX) and used as a raw material in PTA, DMT and paratolueic acid. As the demand for PTA-based polyester fiber and film keeps rising, the demand for PX is also on the increase. O-X The colorless and clear liquid is distilled from MX, like PX, which it accounts for 20%. It coexists with other isomers in MX, but it can be separated from them by distillation for the difference in boiling point. PA is used in plastisizer raw materials and as gasoline additives.

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  • Refund: We can refund the order before shipping process was initiated. Incase Catalog not available, we will make sure to refund the order.
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