NANOX CLEAN-505 (Multi-functional Oil Remo...

NANOX CLEAN-505 (Multi-functional Oil Remo...

NANOX CLEAN-505 (Multi-functional Oil Remo... Made in Korea


NANOX CLEAN-505 (Multi-functional oil removing agent) CLEAN-505 is a stabilized product for alkali, having strong degreasing power and excellent scouring ability. In particular, it is very effective in preventing the re-staining and redeposition of impurities and has exceptional metal ion sequestering power. Properties Appearance: Light straw yellow viscous liquidComposition: Special Anion fatty acid compoundPH: 7 ± 1Solubility: Dissolves easily in both hot & cold water Features 1. The product has outstanding alkali stability. It is highly effective when used as a continuous desizing, scouring agent for woven fabrics, providing softening effect to the processed fabrics.2. Because the product has the exceptional effect of penetration, dispersion, cleaning and solubilization, it is highly effective as a scouring and degreasing agent for natural and synthetic fibers.3. Due to the exceptional power to sequester metal ion, the prompt and perfect oil-removing effect even in hard water is obtained and the product’s anti-redeposition effect is also excellent.4. In bleaching by Hydrogen Peroxide, it shows excellent miscibility with other auxiliary agent, improving whiteness. Directions 1. Polyster woven fabrics:3-5g/L x 90°C x 40min 3. T/C woven fabrics: 3-5g/L x 90°C x 40-60 min 2. Spandex woven fabrics: 3-5g/L x 90°C x 60min 4. In case of stained white part of reactive and substantive dye: 0.15-0.2g/L x 70°C x 10min

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