Anax Red Ginseng Extract

Anax Red Ginseng Extract

Anax Red Ginseng Extract Made in Korea


Anax Red Ginseng Extract A long time ago, court ladies boiled down Ssanghwatang early in the morning for the king after spending the night with him. Since then, housewives started to serve Ssanhwatang for their husband when he felt tired or after they made a love. Even though this customs disappeared, Ssanghwatang has still remained until now. Ssanghwatang is effective in relieving physical and mental fatigue, boosting vigor and energy after a sexual intercourse, and controlling cold sweat The name Ssanghwatang means that the beverage is beneficial to both men and women (Ssang meaning couple; Hwa harmony; and Tang drink).Effective in boosting energy and stamina after overwork or sexual intercourse Good for controlling 'Sweat Easily' that is usually observed due to a lack of vigor after suffering from a disease and 'Night Sweats' Ssanghwatang also accelerates blood circulation and strengthens immune system (effective in relieving a cold)Its savory and refreshing taste calms down our mind and body Relieves heavy feeling, digestion problems, and cold symptoms Relieves dry mouth, skin trouble, and constipation Keeps yin and yang well balanced and boots vigor and energy with various kinds of medical herbs

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