Tassimon One-shot Gel

Tassimon One-shot Gel

Tassimon One-shot Gel Made in Korea


Environment-friendly Natural Fruit ExtractTASSIMON ONE-SHOT GEL | Characteristics Effective against diarrhea and disorders of the digestive system Increases the protein utilization rate of ruminant livestock Depresses the multiplication of hazardous bacteria in the viscera Keeps its stable status using the lactobacillus in the viscera | Effects Increases resistance to diseases through its added IgY component Enhances immunity via lactobacillus multiplication and metabolite production Absorbs or discharges poisonous components in the viscera Improves various diarrhea symptoms Maximizes immunity through its peculiar fruit extract Keeps its stable status by balancing microorganisms in the viscera Effectively increases young livestock’s resistance to diseases and immunity due to its colostrum component | Components Component Name Component Weight Vegetable and fruit extracts Min. 50% IgY Min. 20% Fructo-oligosaccharide Min. 20% Colostrum component A proper quantity | Dosage(Fodder of Ton) 10 gs per 50 kgs daily For diarrhea, 10 gs per 50 kgs twice a day for two days Medication should be continued until recovery based on the symptoms Medicate once before adding colostrum, and then medicate once after two weeks | Package 10 g

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