VITAL-7 Stem cell ample

VITAL-7 Stem cell ample

VITAL-7 Stem cell ample Made in Korea


VITAL-7 Stem cell ample ¦Description¦ Botanical Stem Cell Therapy for Aging SkinSkin aging is a natural phenomenon and occurs to everyone as age catches up. This process is sped up by many forces as we age: sun, harsh weather, our lifestyle.Even in our mere 20s, our skin is beginning to suffer from the ravages of time - losing its initial suppleness, radiance and firmness. Loss of vitality and dull and inelastic skin are further problems we have to deal with.Modern women rely on progressive science and botanical research to play a major role in formulating increasingly sophisticated and effective products. A symbol of youth and beauty, crease-free and glowing skin is the desire of many women. ¦The Product Range¦ Discover the complete PhytoStem CellapeuticsTM powerful anti-aging skin solution for youthful supple skin. Research shows that there are, in fact, two distinct types of aging. Aging that is hereditary is called intrinsic (internal) aging. The other type of aging is known as extrinsic (external) aging and is caused by environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays (photoaging), pollution and lifestyle. Other causal factors of aging of the skin also include gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position. Photoaging occurs over a period of years. With repeated exposure to the sun, the skin loses the ability to repair itself, and the damage accumulates. This is especially so for women who live in sun-intense areas. Scientific studies have shown that ultraviolet (UV) exposure breaks down collagen and impairs the synthesis of new collagen. The sun also attacks our elastin and produces free radicals that damage DNA and other essential molecules for skin regeneration. Sun-weakened skin ceases to spring back much earlier than skin protected from UV rays. Skin also becomes loose, wrinkled, and leathery much earlier. ¦The Safer-for-Skin Guarantee¦ With so many external factors aggravating our skin, skincare should be as gentle as possible. Certain ingredients are harsh for our skin and might cause allergic or sensitivity reactions. This is why PhytoStem Cellapeutics contains only highest botanical grade ingredients so we guarantee that you can use with ease. ¦Benefits¦ Protects longevity of skin stem cells Delays aging of essential cells Preserves the youthful look and vitality of skin Maintains self-renewal capacity of skin stem cells Tap skin stem cells’ innate potential for self-renewa

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