Phytoncide Skincare/Cosmetics/Moisturizing...

Phytoncide Skincare/Cosmetics/Moisturizing...

Phytoncide Skincare/Cosmetics/Moisturizing... Made in Korea


"Smelnon Phytoncide Drops Cream provides high moisture and nourishment of Phytoncide to atopic skin and cried skin." Improves atopic skin Suppress skin and reduce itchiness Relief the clermatitis symptoms Provide high level moisture to improve the dry skin Contents 100g Ingredients 35 different types of Phytoncide undiluted solution(PHYTONCDE-S), rose water, carrot extract, Phelinus Linteus extract Who to use Who need to provide moisture and nutrition to dry skin due to atopy Who suffers itchiness and serious keratin due to dry skin Who suffers with tightened face and skin after face washing and shower How to use Gently apply appropriate amount after shower or face washing Then water crops to them to be absorbed to skin Massage waterdrops to thern to be absorbed to skin TipKeep this product in cool area Although it is made with natural ingredients, be careful apply it to childcare's eyes. "Peculiarity of Phytoncide drops cream" As vegetal moisture water drops provide intensive nutrition and moisture to skin, Phytoncide component relief the dermatitis symptoms and itchiness. 35 types Phytoncide extracted from trees and vegetal nutrients like rose water, Phelinus Linteus extract and carrot extract help skin astringent and tranquilization Moisturizing ingredients are in skin moisturizing prevention capsule and the capsule breaks when contacted with skin to be absorbed into skin and capsule remains in outer skin to prevent evaporation of moisture as barrier. Ingredient Effect Red Ginseng Bleaching, anti-aging, skin clearing Aloe Bleaching, sterilization, anti-inflammation, skin relief, cell recovery Bamboo Anti-aging, moisturizing, Beefsteak Plant Anti-Acid, anti-inflammation, anti-aging, improve in allergic reactions Green tea Contract skin pore, anti-aging, bleaching Pine Needle Relief skin itchy, improve liver spots and dark skins, recover cuts Wormwood Anti-bacteria, anti-inflammation, sterilization, relief pimple, remove skin wastes Tangerine Balance skin ph level, protect skins Rose water Increase skin flexibility, skin elasticity and cell respiration Lemon Relief itchy, prevent pigmentation, improve skin tone Carrot Anti-Acid, increase skin immunity, increase skin mucosa elasticity Phellinus linteus Anti-acid, increase immunity

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