Hair Dyeing Brush

Hair Dyeing Brush

Hair Dyeing Brush Made in Korea


This product is to improve remarkably existing hair dyeing method for innovation. The product is designed to comb and dye simultaneously by combining hair comb with hairdye. Many hairdyes that are available in market are not convenient to use in terms of dyeing process. Moreover, level of satisfaction is relatively low because of time consuming. To solve this inconvenience, newly developed "Mondglak hair brush" is semi permanent product that is figuration of Korean fine tooth comb. Hairdye penetrates into the hair when combing with this "Mondglak hair brush". Hairdye does not leak into outside of combing section. Thus, you can control accurately hair dyeing section as hair dyeing is evenly and thoroughly done. You can also select teeth of comb and color that are suitable for you. After use, the remaining hairdye can be carried or reused by separating from the brush. . Creativity: Uniform hair dyeing is available without stains since this product combines Korean traditional fine tooth comb with hairdye. Convenience: Various teeth of comb can be equipped depending on head shape. Cleanliness: The product is cleaned when rinsing under running water after use. Safety: There is no risk of explosion by keeping hairdye and nitrogen separately in pouch pack of can. Moreover, this product is eco-friendly.

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