Fantasy Floral Bouquet Shower Cologne// Fa...

Fantasy Floral Bouquet Shower Cologne// Fa...

Fantasy Floral Bouquet Shower Cologne// Fa... Made in Korea


Fantasy Floral Bouquet Shower Cologne// Fantasy Floral Garden Shower Cologne[WELCOS CO., LTD.]

Containing purity 100% argan oil and sea grape the ocean jewel “green caviar” Moist skin which absorbed water fully! Resilient skin filled with nutrition!

-Because this product contains purity 100%argan oil and sea grape, called the ocean jewel “green caviar”, it supplies moisture to dry skin and relieves skin problem resulting from stress.

- -It enables the user to recover the rhythm. So, it makes skin wet and healthy for a long time.

- -This product maintains the balance between oil and water in the skin which is easier to be lost with age.

- -It enables the user to recover the original rhythm of skin by supplying water and oil to skin instantly. So, the user can have vital, sleek skin.

Containing purity 100% argan oil and sea grape the ocean jewel “green caviar” Moist skin which absorbed water fully! Resilient skin filled with nutrition!

-Because this product contains purity 100%argan oil and sea grape, called the ocean jewel “green caviar”, it supplies moisture to dry skin and relieves skin problem resulting from stress.

- -It enables the user to recover the rhythm. So, it makes skin wet and healthy for a long time.

- -This product maintains the balance between oil and water in the skin which is easier to be lost with age.

- -It enables the user to recover the original rhythm of skin by supplying water and oil to skin instantly. So, the user can have vital, sleek skin.

[Korean manufacturers/Korean suppliers/Korean products/Korean trade/Korean company]

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