Denti Danasoo Mineral Toothpaste

Denti Danasoo Mineral Toothpaste

Denti Danasoo Mineral Toothpaste Made in Korea


Features The cause of gum diseases, often collectively dubbed periodontitis, is plaque. There is a groove called the gingival sulcus between the teeth and the gum from which an immunological substance is secreted to prevent attack by bacteria. When food remnants are attached to the gingival sulcus and form a mass, they turn into plaque. The toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque lead to inflammation, which causes gum diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth decay. Danansoo Toothpaste was developed because when people suffering from gum diseases such as periodontitis and halitosis, or whose tongue and buccal cavity were covered with a furry white coating, gargled using deep water, the swellings went down and the pain disappeared. Effects of Danasoo Toothpaste include the removal of halitosis and plaque, the prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis, the prevention of gum diseases and a whitening effect.

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