Beauty Butterfly-Adductor Muscle Vibrator-...

Beauty Butterfly-Adductor Muscle Vibrator-...

Beauty Butterfly-Adductor Muscle Vibrator-... Made in Korea


Beauty Butterfly is exercising equipment designed for adductor and sphincter muscle by sport curers. The equipment is ergonomic and ultra simple equipment that is designed for exercising of lower body that might be weaken due to busy lifestyle. In addition, those who exercise with the equipment will not experience weight loss and gain repeatedly because it makes their basal metabolic rate increased by enabling them to take highly intensive exercise anytime anywhere. The resilience resistance exercise with Beauty Butterfly makes physical strength and functional athletic ability increased to prevent incontinence, bandy legs. It prevents those who work standing up all day particularly from having varicose veins, makes their hips pretty, and balances their lower body line and upper body line. Our exercise programs with Beauty Butterfly made of data from lots of fitness centers are perfect for the pregnant women who gave birth to babies, and help to prevent lots of diseases and strengthen stamina.Please visit '' for more information. The Management of Beauty Butterfly Keep Beauty Butterfly from being exposed to direct beam, and keep it at the room temperature. Expected Results Incontinence prevention/Strength enhancement/Stamina enhancement/Posture adjustment Enhanced walking/Varicose veins prevention/Falling down prevention Bandy legs adjustment/Enhanced balance and proprioceptive sensation/Enhanced stamina Wide fly 1.Spread your legs as much as the width of shoulder2.Make your both knees touched each other (3 seconds)3.Repeat (15~20 times, 3~4 sets) Expected Result: This will help you to adjust your bandy legs.Attention: Inhale when you are spreading and exhale when you are closing.Affected muscles: Pectineal muscle, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis muscle. PointThe muscles used in this exercise can be easily injured while intensively compressed. Hence, you should do this program step by step, and do cool-down.As legs are spread as much as the width of shoulder, the surrounding region of the pubis is enhanced. Squat Fly 1.Spread your legs as much as the width of shoulder.2.Sit with your knees together.3.Repeat (10~15 times, 3~4 sets) Expected Results: Varicose veins prevention, Incontinence prevention, Stamina enhancementAttention: Never bend your back.Affected Muscles: Quadriceps muscle of thigh, sartorius, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, biceps muscle of thigh, adductor muscle, pectineal muscle, iliopsoas muscle PointFull squat posture where thighs go under knees makes your hip prettier.

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