Dual Sludge KNR(Kwon\'s Nutrients Removal) Process (Modifying Process)

Dual Sludge KNR(Kwon\'s Nutrients Removal) Process (Modifying Process)

Dual Sludge KNR(Kwon\'s Nutrients Removal) Process (Modifying Process) Made in Korea


Product DescriptionA Dual sludge KNR process is consist of an upflow multi-layer bioreactor (UMBR®) as anaerobic/anoxic reactor with suspended growth microorganisms, aerobic biofilm reactor, and Clarifier. It is developed to remove the nitrogen and phosphorus simultaneously by separating Microorganisms for each denitrification and nitrification without internal recycle of sludge Product Specification / Models•Promote gravity sludge-thickening(phosphorus uptake), denitrification and phosphorus release by maintaining very high concentrations of bacterial sludge blanket in the lower part of a UMBR®; •Automatic waste sludge discharge from the UMBR® based on sludge level using a sludge depth sensor; •Maximize the denitrification by maintaining high biomass concentration; •The aerobic biofilm reactor, which acts on removing residual organic matter by heterotrophic organisms and oxidizing ammonical-N to nitrate-N under aerobic condition, can be operated under the condition of low C/N ratio and low temperature by stimulation the growth of attached nitrifying microorganisms •Very little energy for the mixing is required, comparing to a conventional BNR process which includes a mechanical mixer; •Less land requirement and construction cost, comparing to a conventional activated-sludge and other BNR process; •Can be combined with existing trickling filters, rotating biological contactor (RBC), soil trench, and fixed or suspended biofilm reactors; 1. 50 ton/day 2.100 ton/day 3.200 ton/day 4. 500 ton/day 5.1000 ton/day 6.2000 ton/day Application1. Goverment , Industrial Wastewater, Sewage treatment Plant 2. High-N concentration Wastewater, Sewage treatment Plant (Food wastewater plant, Leather wastewater plant, etc.) Other Information

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