Massage cleanser

Massage cleanser

Massage cleanser Made in Korea


- Utilize the vacuum that is naturally created while using the product!
- A product used when removing makeup or cleansing the face
- Facial massage

Cleansing effect!
- Function to pull out makeup residues, wastes, fine dust, etc. from the space between deep pores, wrinkles, fine cell tissues using a vacuum.

Massage effect!
- By improving the flow of blood and lymph running through the space under the lower layer of the skin secured when pulling the skin with the vacuum naturally created while using the product, First. The skin breathes to make metabolism and blood purification become active Second. Capillaries are expanding to make blood circulation and hematopoietic effect become enhanced Third. Nutrients are sent to each cell and wastes and toxins are discharged

Above effects bring you following benefits.
- It promotes skin health to make your skin more resilient.
- It removes the wastes and toxins to make your skin brighter
- It quickly reduces a swelling on your face.
- It quickly absorbs skin nutritional supplements.
- It makes your make-up looking good.

What is skin respiration? 
"Skin is respiring as the lungs do. But it is functioning to excrete obsolete fat residues, slightly acidic sweat and gas from the body rather than absorb a lot of oxygen into the body like the lungs, As the skin is always surrounded by air pressure, blood purification will be activated while discharging wastes and gas in the skin to the skin surface if we make the skin surface a vacuum."

How to use
1. Wash your face or remove makeup with oil, cleanser, soap, etc.
2. Place the product on your face and rotate while pressing it slightly while your face is wet.
3. After massaging your face evenly, wash your face
4. After using, wash it under running water and store it in a safe place
When using the product, your face may turn red for a while due to the expansion of capillaries and increase in the blood flow.

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