Beads Puzzle

Beads Puzzle

Beads Puzzle Made in Korea


Puzzle Beads is an family game to fulfill twelve beads block

on the triangle-shaped plastic board.

However, It can make many different case depending on level of players.

The more empty space on the plastic board is, the harder to solve the questions are.

It helps to develop children’s perception ability of space, patience and concentration.

It also helps children to catch what is difference with each different status.

Stimulating thinking power of Youths and adults,

It is also helpful to prevent Alzheimer’s disease the old.

Users can solve each question with more than one way.

It has been used for special education system in Korea.

Product details :puzzlia Beads Puzzle is composed of total 12 pieces of beads puzzle and 2 books.

2 books have total 180 questions with each 90 questions.

The question gets more difficult in book 2.

How to play : Place the beads puzzle pieces into the game board as in the book.

It is a game of filling up blanks with pieces.

Merits :Increasing space perception ability, concentration, and creativity.

It is used as a program for preventing dementia at the senior center.

Target of use :People with parenting stress.

People with stress from work.

Talkative children.

For children that you wish to keep quite.

People who want to focus.

Knock out stress!~

(However, there might be side effects)

Few examples of side effects : Throwing or crashing a piece.

Putting one’s anger to person next to you.

Getting sweaty and antsy and more..

Warning :If you are playing Beads Puzzle for the first time, start from the beginning level. You might fall into deep frustration when you try the intermediate or advanced level.

Don’t even think about playing the game if you don’t have time! :)

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