Chunghwa Medipower Co., Ltd

About Us

Thank you for visiting ChungHwa Medipower. 

Cbungliwa Pleclipourer has manufacturing systems that excellent vanguard equipment and facilities are completed under Me 'customer safety' motto°, a company, and supply product run to strict and thorough quality control regulation to you.We develop Subdermal Filler product that is medical equipments, grades voluntarily present and were admitted from PHA 

'Sipe, for expanding penis ancrbicorfor facial contour correction and improving facial wrinkles are targeting that become product that is loved to cosmopolitan becoming an global product Mat surpass the existing products. 

In this objective, all of Me our employees promise Mat do the best effortin research, production and quality control. 

Plank you for visiting Cbungliwa bleclipower. !would like to Mice this opportunity to wish you and your families all Me best for a happy and bealMy.