ABC Engineering Plastics

About Us

About us:The most important point on Engineering plastic is just combination.

The Key points of your product, Such as function,productivity and cost are depe-

nd on this combination, how the raw materials are well combinated.

lt's the process technology how to select the best base polymer, how to keep the original function of various filler with control their Quantities, so that Maximize the required prpperties.

We can provide you the key to settle the various problem which you might be faced at each process, from mold design to mass production.

SUNOVA is the products name for all kind og Enginnering Thermoplastic Compound are made by AEC Engineering Plastic co.

SUNOVA dose not seek after pld standardization og Engineering plastic but it is run for CUSTOMER GRADE and be used for your new developping items or used for the purpose of replacement of the old compound.

We always follow your idea and specification.