About Us


Since it was founded in 2007, Blue Jeju has manufactured and sold products under the company's ideology "The best honest foods.“ The company has used mandarin oranges, tangerines, cactuses, kiwi fruits that were all produced in Jeju, to express the image of clean Jeju. For developing new products, the company was selected not only for the project by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy for supporting the leading companies in local specialities, but also for the project by the ministry for developing technologies for strategic products for the local areas' brands in 2010, and has progressed and completed projects. The company was also selected as one of the prospective small and medium companies in Jeju in 2010> Through such efforts, the company has contributed to the local economy. The company has also been supplying products for the military since it was selected in 2012, and was certified as a good employer in 2010. The company completed the construction of its second factory in a way that meets HACCP, for the first time in Jeju. The company has been making efforts with clean products and clean entrepreneurship.