Bo Sung Trading Co., Ltd.

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:We are the biggest sea urchin food processing company in Korea. We have been producing the various sea urchin products and exporting constantly our products to Japan since 1977. We also have been selling our sea urchin products since 2004 in Korea. And our domestic selling volume is increasing every year. We are always trying to use the strictly selected Korean fresh sea urchin which are caught by the diving women from the East sea of Korea. Our raw, salted, canned, and frozen sea urchins are processed with our own know-How in a very clean processing factory. Our products contain the abundant proteins and amino acids and have received so much love in Japan since 1977. In 1998, we exported 5 million dollars of our products to Japan. This proves that why our company is the No.1 sea urchin processing and exporting company in korea. We promise and try our best in the field of developing and providing our products to all customers in the world.