About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:China , U. Kingdom , Hong Kong(China) , Indonesia , India , Malaysia , U.S.A
About us:BK Cosmetics is at the center of change and innovation with the flow of world which is related to cosmetics business, so we are trying to work with one accord not only for the beauty of our nation but also the world.

The goal of our business is to make the beauty of the future, not the present based on beauty which is common interest in the world. So we become more and more advanced as a leading company in the business field of beauty and facial mask pack.

Since the beginning of this business, we have started to produce and develop the mask pack such as non-alcohol, achromatizes, natural antiseptics which is accordance with customers’ needs.

Due to steady research and development, we could have several products which are approved by Korean Food and Drugs Administration. Especially, we launched a new product, CO2 Polymer Mask Pack which achieves recognition in the world. We are responsible for a patent, production, and market launching.

We always focus on customer’s satisfaction for our future value. Therefore, based on the respect for customer, we will continuously provide beautiful and safe products for our customers