Comizoa Co., Ltd.

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:China , Slovak
About us:Comizoa Co., Ltd. specializes in the manufacture and export of computer measuring devices. More than half of the company's staff are professional research engineers using high accuracy PC-based data acquisition systems. The company produces an extensive range of data systems, including PCI/PXI data acquisition boards. From 2002, Comizoa Co., Ltd. will develop more specialized systems to generate high profits and to maximize the value of the company. The company possesses superior technology in digital electronics, computer science and factory automation and has received ISO 9001 certification from QA International. Established in 2000, Comizoa Co., Ltd. is a privately owned sole-proprietorship with registered capital of some US$200,000. The company employs a workforce of ten, including seven production engineers and two quality assurance staff. Investment in the company amounts to US$700,000 and annual revenues are around US$1,000,000, approximately 40 percent of which is accounted for by exports, the majority of which go to the Asia Pacific region.