About Us

About us:We make guitars since 1998. Young and venturous 3 university graduate men loved music so much. They decided to make a guitar. They made a company at one of them's house's basement just like Michael DELL and Steve JOBS. Now they became the No.1 guitar maker in Korea. The name is 'DAME' . We have pride of being the best technical expert of the world in guitar area. In 2005, we'll make surprise the world. Our official agency in Korea - http://www.guitarzon.com - http://guitarcentermall.co.kr - http://www.mnshome.com - http://www.gigmusic.co.kr - http://www.freebud.co.kr - http://www.ksmusic.co.kr - http://www.akkinara.com - http://www.schoolmusic.co.kr - http://www.bedro.co.kr - http://www.rockhouse.co.kr - http://ycmusic.co.kr - http://www.muzix.co.kr - http://www.joeunmusic.co.kr