About Us

About us:<DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-RIGHT: 10px"><STRONG>Company Introduction</STRONG><BR><BR>n Foundation :&nbsp; 1975. 2<BR>n Water activate battery new design certificate (No13007) : 1976. 5<BR>n Patent for Upper Air Sounding Balloon (No 5562 ) : 1977. 12<BR>n Technical Cooperation USA BLI for Microsonde:1981. 2<BR>n Automatic Weather System supply(Asian Game, Seoul Olympic) : 1986, 1988<BR>n Aviation Meteorological Observation System (A.M.O.S.): 1989. 12<BR>n JDL -740A CE : 2005. 9<BR>n Quality Business certificate for AWS, AMOS, UASS : 2007. 7<BR>n Patent for UASS and Road accident protection by Road weather : 2007. 12<BR><BR><BR><STRONG>Business Description</STRONG><BR><BR>Jinyang Industrial has been engaged in manufacturing a variety of Hardware and Software for AWS(Automatic Weather System), ASOS, AMOW,etc and Meteorological Equipment since founded in 1975.<BR>Company is designated by Government as the exclusive supplier of meteorological equipment to Military and KMA(Korea Meteorological Administration).<BR>We have the expertise and experience for meteorological system.<BR>As one of the leading meteorological system company, we will do our best to provide the high-quality products and meet the client's needs.<BR><BR></DIV>