Kiyon International

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:China , India , Japan , Turkey
About us:Our company, Kiyon International Corp., is a unique global trader in Korea supplying plastics raw materials and fabricated products with verified quality and competitive pricing to customers all over the world .

We can provide any kinds of products whatever customers want to get including raw material resins and intermediate products as well as the fabricated ones as long term basis having the strong relationship with almost of Korean resin producers.

In terms of product quality, it can be provided with the verified quality which has long experiences in the industry, and if necessary, it also can be provided with commercialized experiences to have been achieved on long term basis.

And in terms of supply stability, we can assure you that it must be kept no matter what the market situation is or the supply and demand balance is once the transaction will be commenced.

We are looking forward to making opportunity with not only end customers but also traders all over the world to verify what we are capable of these kinds of transaction activities. Please don't hesitate to ask us if you have even of no important question.

Thank you.