KOSTEC Co., Ltd.

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:KOSTEC is a leading company in the field of coloring and additive concentrates and performance solutions for the plastics industry. Since the establishment in 1990, we have manufactured various types of colorants and additives for plastics. We have exported our products to over 20 different countries around the world. The plastics industries today, have different needs and demands. We have provided our products according to the complicated needs of customers developing two different types of designs. First one is a liquid-batch type, designed to concentrate on pigments and additives in a special-liquid carrier system. Second one is a ball-batch type, designed to incorporate pigments and additives into a low-melting carrier. And the size is only 0.3~0.5mm in diameter in a ball shape. KOSTEC continues to play its role as a leader in plastics industry responding to customers' needs through innovative way combined with new technologies and solutions. Thank you!