LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd

About Us

No of Employees:OVER 2000
Markets:China , India , Iran , U.S.A , Viet Nam
About us:Thanks to your continued support over the past 30 years, LS Industrial Systems has been able to reach its current position and then start afresh with a new CI and a new name, LS, since March14th, 2005. Under the corporate philosophy of Always with Our Customers, LS industrial Systems ensures the highest value for its customers, contributes to social development, and provides a space where LS families can make their dreams come true. With a new CI and name, LS Industrial Systems will become a Total Solutions Provider - the one you've always hoped for. As in the past, so with the future: we hope that we can count on your continuous support and make LS Industrial Systems the No. 1 leader in the industrial electric and automation markets, both at abroad and home.