Ohta Foods Korea Co., Ltd.

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
About us:Ohta Oil mill Co., Ltd., was founded in 1902, settled in the clean sea Wando of Korea, as the manufacturing plant in 2005.

Ohta Foods Korea Co., Ltd. is one of the Korean hijikia processing companies.

Its main investor is Ohta Oilmill Co., Ltd., a leading Japanese company that wanted to import Korean hijiki without interruptions.

Ohta Foods Korea Co., Ltd. is exporting 250tons of Korean hijiki annually to its mother company and several other Japanese buyers.

The safety of its product is one of the virtues of Ohta Foods Korea Co., Ltd.

Processing of the seaweed is achieved through ten stages at a factory equipped with ISO9001 and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) certified facilities.Most of these stages are designed to remove all the dirt that usually sticks to the fruit on the stem of the seaweed. In other words, all the stages except washing, steaming, drying, and weighing involve sorting.

What's more, the headquarters of the company regularly dispatches the people who provide the factory personnel with advice on how to further improve the sanitary system.