
About Us

“Ohyang has attempted to differentiate itself from other companies by using all parts of lacquer tree plants as food ingredients.”

Ohyang, located in the lacquer special industrial region of Okcheon, removes poisonous urushiol from lacquer.

With the food production technology acknowledged by the Korean Food and Drug Administration, we are popularizing the use of lacquer.

We acquired for the first time in Korea the technology to detoxify all parts of lacquer tree plants such as their stems and leaves, roots, bark, seeds, and lignum and registered a patent for it (patent no. 10-0877789). As such, Ohyang produces products with the effect, flavor, and scent of lacquer and attempted to differentiate them from existing or other related products. We enabled the consumption of lacquer components of different healing effects found in each part of the tree for maximum effect.

We presented various ways of using the effects of lacquer, a local resource of Korea, such as its antivirus, anticancer, and antioxidation effects, to create a world of both traditional and modern cultures. We merged with modern technology the world of lacquer trees with infinite potential and many amazing secrets, our Korean ancestors have created with wisdom, for people to enjoy a healthy life.