About Us

No of Employees:51-100
Markets:Switzerland , China , Japan , Norway , U.S.A
About us:Since Shilla Corporation was established in 1986, we began to manufacture various pulleys for automotive engine and compressor bracket assembly. In addition, from the year of 1989, we began to make various slewing ring bearings for construction machineries and industrial plants. Our slewing ring bearings are mostly used by Korea's leading construction machineries manufacturers, industrial plants makers and marine crane builders. Slewing ring bearings are exported to USA, China, Japan, U.K, France, India and the other many countries. The worldwide customers recognize that our Shilla's state-of-the art products are fully accommodating the highest technical requirement of their machines. Recently our products began to be supplied to the world class wind turbine makers, which provide a great potential of renewable energy source. Regarding pulleys for automotive engines, we are proud that our products are satisfying the ever increasing technical demand by cast-iron pulley, steel pulley.