Sungjin Fishery Co., Ltd.

About Us

Markets:China , Italy , Japan , Papua N.Gunea , Portugal
About us:We, Sungjin Fishery Co., Ltd. always aim to produce highest quality products by using fresh raw materials, which are caught from the blue belt area, and have unique products develop system.

Convenience of cook, high standard hygiene control(HACCP), various product, full of tasty, all these factors make possible to do worldwide business. We make an effort to provide safe food which will be consumed by our family and have a sence of duty to send the sincerity of the mothers to our customer.


Jun. 1987 - Established in 1987 in Busan, Korea

Apr. 1990 - Registered Trade Business No. 900935

Oct. 2006 - Registered bonded warehouse No. 030-70-002

Jan. 2007 - Registered HACCP facilities by NFIS

Apr. 2007 - Registered HACCP certificate by KFDA