UBS INC Co., Ltd.

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:U.A.E. , Austria , Brazil , U. Kingdom , Japan , South Korea , Malaysia , Taiwan , U.S.A
About us:Greetings

Thank you for your visiting UBS INC CO.,LTD.

01.Pursues the Technology Development & Product for Human Being’s Life.

We always pursue the technology and product development that can be bringing the happiness and wellness to your life. From the inception of the foundation, we always are striving for the development of functional raw material and new technology which is related to water treatment, environment and health. And, it is our great pleasure and honor to launch our unique and practical products in the market.

02.You’ll Be Satisfied.

With continuing development of technology and product, UBS INC CO.,LTD. will always try to hear customer’s advice and make more effort to become a leading company in the field of environment and raw material.

And, to return your favor of support and encouragement, our all staffs and board members promise to try to our best to provide only the best of high quality products and services.

Thank you.