ZENITH Corporation

About Us

No of Employees:1/1/1950
Markets:Australia , Canada , China , Indonesia , Iran , Japan , South Korea , Thailand , U.S.A , Viet Nam
About us:Hello, Visitors.

It is our great pleasure to meet you in this homepage of Zenith Co., Ltd. We sincerely appreciate your kind visit to our site. We have raised carefully the anchor of our ship "Zenith" toward the turbulent world only with courage and hope: "We can do it. We can make it successfully".

We do not have too much ambition. What we will do is to do our best at every moment, ceaselessly and steadily.

We would not be able to escape from the numerous, upcoming difficulties and hardship, but we will overcome them wisely.

We hope you will give us further advice and encouragement. Our company has developed and produced special paintings requiring specific functions (non-adhesion, wear resistance, heat resistance, chemical resistance, non stick, durability, etc.) and now supplies them to our customers.

You can find out products for kitchen utensils manufacturers, various pattern industries (tires, shoes, etc.), and other industries requiring specific functions. We will make every effort to share common growth opportunity as well as to resolve customer's difficulties through continuous communication and exchange.